The A to Z of Rhinoplasty (Nose Reshaping) – Part 2
Dr. Lokesh Kumar | May, 2 2016 | 0 Comments
In continuation from the previous article, we will continue to look at other important aspects of rhinoplasty.
The procedure:
There are mainly five steps in a rhinoplasty procedure:
Step 1: Anaesthesia
The patient will be administered either general anaesthesia or sedation to ensure complete comfort during the procedure.
Step 2: Incision
Irrespective of whether the surgeon is performing an open or closed rhinoplasty, there will be incisions. The only difference is where the incisions will be placed. Once the incisions have been made, the surgeon will be able to raise the nasal bones and cartilage.
Step 3: Reshaping
If the nose is too large, some of the bone or cartilage will be removed. Alternately, if the nose is too small, grafts will have to be taken from other parts of the body. Grafts can be taken from either the septum, rib cage or ears.
Step 4: Correcting a deviated septum
If it is the septum that has suffered damage, then the same is straightened out.
Step 5: Closing the incision
Inside or outside, the incisions are then closed up. The nose will have been sculpted to the desired shape, and the skin will be pulled up before closure.
The costs involved:
The cost of rhinoplasty will vary from person to person as well as from surgeon to surgeon. There are actually several factors that play a crucial role in deciding how much a person’s surgery will cost.
- Your personal situation will be one of the first factors. How intricate or elaborate a procedure you need will determine the cost of the surgery.
- The doctor you choose will have his or her own set of fees. The more experienced and educated the doctor, the higher the fees.
- The location of the doctor’s office will also play an important role. Choosing a doctor who functions from an office that is located in a posh area, and chances are that you will have to shell out a little extra.
- You will have to pay separately for anaesthesia and the medications that you will have to take post-surgery.
- Irrespective of whether surgery takes place in the doctor’s own clinic or at a hospital, where the surgeon has operating rights, you will have to pay for the same.
While many people consider rhinoplasty a cosmetic surgery and there are several insurance companies who will think of it in the same manner. However, not all rhinoplasties need not be of a cosmetic nature, especially:
- If the surgery is being done to improve breathing, caused due to an obstruction in the airway.
- If the surgery is being performed, combining cosmetic aspect along with improvement of breathing.
- If the surgery is being performed to correct a septum that might have deviated.
The ideal candidates for rhinoplasty:
There is actually a process by which candidates are considered ideal for rhinoplasty and some of the factors include:
- It is important that the facial growth be complete, because if the face is still evolving, then the surgery would not show lasting results.
- You have to be physically and mentally healthy and should not be undergoing the surgery because any kind of pressure.
- It is essential that you have realistic expectations from the surgery.
- You will be expected to get several lab and medical tests, including a complete blood count.
- In case, you are on any regular medication, the dosage might either be tweaked or left untouched. This is something your doctor will be able to advice you about.
- You will be asked to avoid aspirin and other such anti-inflammatory drugs, which could lead to increased bleeding.
The process of recovery:
Most surgeons will place a splint or some sort of bandaging inside your nose, immediately after the surgery, to ensure that the repaired portion has sufficient support. These supports will be left inside till the time the healing is complete. Although the initial swelling will reduce in a matter of days, the actual reshaping will take time to settle in. Over a period of time, the shaping will start to become more obvious.
Taking care post-surgery:
There are specific things that need to be kept in mind while recovering from rhinoplasty and these include:
- You will be told how to clean and care for the site, immediately after surgery
- You will need to make sure that you take all your medications on time, including the oral and topical ones
- Your doctor will advise you on how to keep a look out for potential infection or trouble
- You will also be advised about when to meet the doctor for regular follow-ups
- It is just as important that you ask your doctor about how and when you can return to your normal routines, including exercise
Possible risks:
With any and all surgeries, there is always the possibility that something might go wrong and the same is the case with rhinoplasty. There are numerous things that could be considered possible risks and these include:
- Excessive bleeding
- Infection
- Improper healing
- Intense scarring
- Risks associated with anaesthesia
- Difficulty in breathing
- Discoloration or swelling in the nasal area
- Change in skin sensation in the area where the surgery has been done
- Requirement for revisional surgery or lack of satisfaction with the primary surgery
- Perforation in the septum
It is important that rhinoplasty be done for the right reasons and not because of peer pressure or the desire to look better.