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| May 11, 2015 | 0 Comments
New Frontiers in The World Of Hair Restoration
Hair loss is a problem that has plagued men and women from all over the world, for centuries and continues to do so. This is perhaps one of the main reasons why, globally, there are so many studies and researches being conducted about the same. This article will look at some of the newest techniques […]
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| November 27, 2014 | 0 Comments
Welcome to the World of Hair Cloning!
When Dolly the sheep first came into the world in mid-1996, it actually opened up a world of opportunities. With cloning becoming a reality, there was the chance that a greater number of people would benefit, in a variety of ways. Today, cloning has entered and revolutionised the world of hair restoration too. However, in […]
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| November 6, 2014 | 0 Comments
Hair Cloning and Hair Multiplication – Way to the Future!
The concept of cloning has been around for a long time and when the very first cloned sheep Dolly survived successfully, the cheer and celebration was worldwide. The same method then progressed to other domains as well and today, there are major developments in the field of hair cloning. The first and the most obvious […]
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| October 6, 2014 | 0 Comments
Hair Cloning – What to Expect in the Days to Come!
The domain of hair transplant and cloning is truly dynamic and there are constant researches and studies being conducted. As a matter of fact, a recent study conducted by Dr. Claire Higgins and Dr. Colin Jahoda has delved deep into the basic tenets of hair cloning and what the challenges in this path are. The […]
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| October 5, 2014 | 0 Comments
New & upcoming Treatments for Hair Loss
Every day, we see several people, who have lost their self-esteem and confidence, because of their hair loss and balding. However, with so many new methods being innovated each day and numerous medicines being discovered, there is always hope. In a recent presentation, Kenneth J. Washenik, MD, PhD, the clinical assistant professor at NYU Langone […]