Everything you need to know about Breast Augmentation – Part 2
Dr. Lokesh Kumar | September, 19 2015 | 0 Comments
In this article, we will continue to look at other facets of breast augmentation.
What are the types of breast implants?
There are several types of breast implants and the choice of which ones goes into your body, could make a lot of difference. It is best that you do your research in advance, but do take into consideration what your surgeon suggests. Here are some of the most popular types of implants:
Silicone implants:
Filled with silicone gel, these are the most popular implants, mainly because they feel a lot like the original breast tissues. The silicone implants that are used these days are approved by all the appropriate authorities, which is why they are preferred by surgeons all over the world. Normally, there is minimal chance that the implant breaks or leaks, however, in the scenario that the same does happen, there are two possibilities. One is that the leaked gel remains within the implant shell and the other is that the gel leaks out into the breast implant pocket. Even if the implant does leak, the implant will not collapse. With this kind of implant, it is crucial that you visit a doctor regularly and have the implants checked at least once a year. A simply ultrasound or MRI will allow the surgeon to ensure that everything is alright.
Saline implants:
As the name suggests, saline implants are filled with salt water, which has been sterilised. The benefit of saline implants is that it offers uniformity in terms of shape and firmness. These are also approved by all the appropriate authorities, including the FDA. Given that the filling is sterile salt water, there is little to worry about, should there be a leakage. The saline is absorbed into the body, and then expelled in a natural manner.
Smooth breast implants:
These implants provide the softest feeling, however, there is some amount of rippling that is noticed in them. Smooth breast implants can actually move inside the breast implant pocket, which is why it looks more natural, as compared to some of the other options.
Round breast implants:
The round breast implants tend to make the breasts appear rounder and more voluptuous. As the name suggests, these implants are round, which means that there is lesser chance of the implants rotating and moving out of place.
Textured breast implants:
The main characteristic of textured breast implants is that it develops scar tissue which eventually sticks to the implants. The development of the scar tissue ensures that the implant is not able to move around. This implant also reduces the chances of scar capsules, which could lead to the tightening of the implant. However, it is important that you meet your surgeon, at least once a year to ensure that the implant is safe and not sagging.
Gummy bear breast implants:
Another name for form stable implants, these are so named, because the implants maintain their shape irrespective of what happens to the implant shell. Even though the filling in these implants is also silicone gel, it is actually thicker than the traditional silicone gel filling. This means that the implants are not only firmer, but also less prone to breakage. These implants are shaped and have a projection towards the bottom. This also leads to a problem – if the implant moves, given that the implant is not exactly round, the breasts could look odd. In addition, for the placement of such implants, longer incisions are needed.
Fat transfer:
A new innovation in the field of breast augmentation is transfer of fat. Through liposuction, excess fat is removed from the body, and this fat is injected into the breasts. This is a great option for women who are not too keen on having a foreign body inside their body. This is also the best choice for women, who are looking for only a marginal increase in their breast size.
What is the procedure for a breast enhancement surgery?
- Step 1: Anaesthesia is administered either via intravenous method or in the form of general anaesthesia.
- Step 2: There are mainly three types of incisions that can be made –Periareolar incision, inframammary incision and transaxillary incision. The first type of incision is made around the areolas, the second one underneath the breast and the final one is made in the armpits.
- Step 3: The implants are then placed carefully inside the breast pocket. The implant can be placed either under the pectoral muscle or behind the breast tissue.
- Step 4: The incision that had been made is now closed up, and the entire area will be cleaned and bandaged.
What are the possible risks?
As is the case with any surgery, there are certain risks that are associated with breast enhancement as well. Some of the most common risks include:
- Bleeding that is persistent
- Loss of sensation in the nipples or entire breast
- Complications with anaesthesia
- Possible infections
- Accumulation of fluid, post-surgery
- Instead of looking taut, the breast area have wrinkles
- Incorrect positioning or displacement of the implant
- Rupturing or leakage of the implant
- Persistent pain that does not fade away over a period of time
- Formation of scar tissue around the implant, which traps the implant and leads to leakage or rupturing
What are the precautions that need to be taken before a breast augmentation procedure?
It is important to understand that breast implants are not designed to last forever, which is why you will have to be mentally prepared for successive surgeries. It is quite possible that one or at times, even both implants might have to be replaced.
The implants need to be monitored on a regular basis and your surgeon might suggest ultrasounds or MRIs annually to ensure that the implants are healthy, as is the rest of your chest area.
Factors such as weight fluctuations, pregnancy and even menopause could affect the manner in which your implants hold shape and your surgeon will be able to educate you about the same.